unbounded function

英 [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd ˈfʌŋkʃn] 美 [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd ˈfʌŋkʃn]




  1. Second theorem shows that the existence of solution is possible under suitable conditions when the limit of growth of nonlinear term at infinity is an unbounded function.
  2. After the coupled equations of the partial differential equation for the response of the marine riser and the wake oscillator equation are unbounded and discretized by Hermit interpolation function, the Finite Element expression can be obtained and solved by Newmark time-procedure method.
  3. The dynamic interaction of an embedded semi-cylindrical foundation with soil when the foundation is partially unbounded from soil is considered by using the wave function expansion method and singular integral equation technique.
  4. The influence function for Lp estimation of the scale parameter has been obtained, and the estimator has no robustness because the influence function is an unbounded function, the robust Lp estimation of the scale parameter has been proposed using the Winsor's residuals by authors.
  5. The extended Hermite interpolation operator, based on the nodes which are the zeros of first Chebyshev polynomial, is considered. This operator approxi-mates the unbounded function in the real axis, its convergence order is O(Ω ̄(-1)( lnn) lnn/ n);
    考虑以第一类Chebyshev多项式的零点为插值结点的扩展的Hermite算子,在实轴上逼近无界函数,得到收敛阶为O(Ω ̄(-1)(lnn)lnn/n);
  6. In this paper we study bifurcation of steady-state solutions of the trimolecular model in a two-dimensional unbounded region. By using the implicit function theorem and the Liapunov-Schmidt procedure we prove the existence of the steady-state bifurcation solutions which are periodic in x.
  7. In chapter 1, we review the history of optimal control theory and point out that there are still three basic problems in optimal control research, i.e., infinite time interval, unbounded controls, and function in system not being F-differentiable.
  8. In this paper, it is shown that in linear programming there exist optimal solutions in unbounded feasible region if the objective function is upper bounded.
  9. Extensional Hermite operator and approximation of unbounded function
  10. In the unbounded domains, Hankel function is chosen as the basic solution of the scaled boundary finite-element equation.